
How do u go about being a top contributor?

by Guest45162  |  earlier

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do u have to have ALL your answers in the same subject, or just a certain number of them?




  1. To be a top contributor you need to be knowledgeable in a particular category.the exact formula is kept secret by yahoo but the common theory is that you need a minimum of 10% best answers in each particular  category and is said to be reviewed weekly. the top contributor badge is not permanent and can be removed at any time.

  2. A high percentage in one topic, although they don't do 'top contributor' for P & S any more.

  3. I think it has to due with the percentage of best answers.... but I am not sure.

  4. I think its the amount of best anwsers you get

  5. Becoming a TC has to do with the amount of "best answers" received in a particular category.Rumor has it that the best answer percentage has to be at least 10% in a particular category in the last 4-6 weeks. And during that time period you must have answered at least 45 questions. You can get the TC badge for up to 3 categories, mouseover any users avatar and you'll find out, in which categories they are most knowledgeable. You may loose this badge again when you get less active or receive less "best answers".

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