
How do u go into a crab/bridge backwards?

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Ive done it bfore but I really hurt my wrist. R u soposed to try and hold ur balance whilst going rgt down to the f;loor or r u soposed to go ack and fall the rest? :S Please give me some tips too thanks xxxxxx




  1. Depends on how flexible you are really, i go so far back then fall the rest. be careful though lol. it also takes very flexible wrists and a flexible body

  2. you mean a back bend?

    try to go down slowly, not right down. that helps.

    then as you get better at it get a little faster.

    tips: just go slower than you are now so you won't jam your wrist :]

  3. The key is trusting yourself!

  4. Hold your arms above your head and just simply go down...

    if you can't go down all the way your back isn't flexible enough and don't push it.

    You can practice by going down onto a bridge on something higher then the ground, then something a little closer to the ground, etc. until you can reach the ground.

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