
How do u grow a lemon tree?

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How do u grow a lemon tree?




  1. WHAT TO LOOK FOR: If you purchase your Meyer lemon from a nursery, look for plants that are at least 2 to 3 years old. Improved Meyer lemons are also suitable as houseplants. They can be maintained at 3 to 5 feet tall and if you have the knack, lemon trees make wonderful Bonsai specimens.

    SOIL: Like most houseplants, citrus prefer a slightly acid, all-purpose mix, which you can get by using a peat-moss based growing mix. (Remember, you get what you pay for, so don't go for the cheap products.)

    TEMPERATURE: Lemon trees thrive in a normal temperature range of 70 degrees during day to 55 degrees at night. TIP: Though the plants are evergreen they will go into dormancy and stop growing below 54 degrees F.)

    LIGHT: Set your lemon tree in full sun from a southern exposure. Trees need lots of light. If that's not possible, supplement the light by installing 40-watt fluorescent shop lights above the plants -- especially important in the winter, when they need 12 hours of light.

    MOISTURE: You'll need to keep the soil evenly moist and since most interiors are quite dry, mist your plant often -- daily if you can. Give your lemon tree a shower occasionally. (They loved to be wiped down gently with a sponge, like the one at right.)

    POLLINATION: When you grow plants indoors, bees and insects can’t pollinate them. So you need to use a paintbrush or cotton swab to rub pollen within the flower. Sometimes they will produce fruit without doing this, but it's a good idea to increase your chances

  2. just stick it in the ground and proceed with watering it.

  3. You cant grow citrus from seed to expect fruits ,you have to buy a small tree from nursery .

  4. i think you have to plant a lemon seed ...

  5. Make sure the climate you live in will support a lemon tree. After that, just buy and plant one. Water and fertilize regularly. They're pretty self-sufficient trees.

  6. you can first grow it from seed. water the seeds and they will grow within a month. after that just keep watering, and maybe add some plant food. prune it as it gets older so it looks more like a tree. if you have 3 or more plants you can braid them together, and withing a year it will form a permanent graft and the braid will stay making it look like three plants.

    the best one is the improved meyer lemon. these have the least to almost no thorns, fruits alot, is a bit more tolleant of light frost, and it a great plant indoors in the winter.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  8. lemon seed

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