
How do u handle a boy crazy 10 year old?

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my sister is crazy. all she talks about is boys.

my mom doesnt kno how to deal with it and she doesnt kno how to use a comp. so im helpin her. my little sister writes notes to boys sayin she loves them when she just meant them.

no one knos how to fix it.

we just wanna lock her in her room and keep her there till shes 20!





  1. Send her to an all girl's school. But seriously, 10 is a little young to be that into boys. Has she been exposed to adult content or is it just puppy love. Either way this behavior needs to be quashed and I think it may be beneficial if your sister were to join an all girls sports team possibly outside of the context of school. She obviously has too much free time and her imagination is running wild. When I was her age, i loved to play kick ball and soft ball, but other activities that could be utilized include things like dance, gymnasticscheer leadingng, cheer gymnastics, or soccer. If she still is having these feelings and outbursts, you should look into some counseling and if you are on a budget, you can ask the school for counseling on site.

  2. Your Mom should get herself and your little sister involved in some church oriented programs--lots of churchs now sponser a lot of sports activities throughout the year, called "Upward" BasketBall, Soccer, Volley-Ball, CheerLeading, ect. and they are All wonderful, spiritual based programs to help direct young people in the way they need to be thinking at these times of their lifes, as far as their scholastic goals and family based goals! I just read an article yesterday that said that children who were involved in church activities proved to do much better overall in public schools, where religion is not being taught anymore!! Kinda disproves the theory that we don't need God in our schools anymore!!!

  3. Your dad doesn't live with you?  (I'm assuming either Dad is not there or is not emotionally available.)  Her guidance counselor at school can put you in touch with a therapist for your sister. She's too young to be going to an adult-type therapist.  The guidance counselor has seen this kind of behavior before and can likely offer tips him/herself.  

    Your sister needs attention from a father figure, not a boy. I hope, through school, therapy, or possibly church, you guys can find a guy who can be like a dad to her (Important that she not be left alone with him, though.  You never know..)  

    I hope that things work out well for your sister.  

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