
How do u handle stress with a husband 3 jobs and 2 kids and no car?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know how to handle stress with no money 2 kids a husband and a job and a I cant even spend 20 mins alone




  1. Leave your kids with someone for one day. Sleep through it, have a nice meal, relax, do what you like, and dont strees yourself thinking..."are the kids okay? Sometimes detaching yourself from it gives you relieve.

  2. take pleasure in the little things in life, also start each day with a shot of wild turkey.

  3. i cant do your math.  with 3 jobs and no car expenses you should be rolling in money.  

    do you know how to save and budget your money so you actually have some?  do you and your husband have jobs that pay well? if not can you get jobs that pay well?  if you cant then you two could plan to budget what little money you have.  

    if you feel in control of your life and your money, you will not feel stressed no matter how many jobs you have.  

    suze orman has written a whole series of books on this subject.  

  4. sounds rough. I guess the guy who suggested starting your day with a shot of wild turkey, is on the right track.

    GOOD LUCK, your a strong person!

  5. What does your husband do? If he isn't helping out as much as he could, ask him to. Tell him how stressed you're feeling and let him know that you need a little alone time and would appreciate it if when you have a little time off from work he could take the kids out for ice cream and a walk so that you can have the house to yourself.

  6. Marriage and raising kids can be hard work if you aren't rich enough to hire help.  That's why you both need to work at it together.  If your marriage works the way it should, your husband will give you time to yourself.  Maybe he could be in charge of the kids a couple nights a week, playing with them and getting them ready for bed, while you relax in the tub or simply take time to yourself.  My wife and I do this when one of us is really stressed by a day of work.  She'll say, "You're on duty tonight.  I just need some time."  I can say the same to her, if I need to.  It usually ends up that neither of us really take a lot of time, but knowing that the other person is there, supporting us, works wonders.

  7. Get some you time...When husband is around...tell him you will go shopping and nails and will be right back...Take Care

  8. thats suck

    but u most be a really good mother thats a good thing

    and wife

    please answer mines

  9. You have to pick a date night.  

    I have two kids, no money, a husband, and a lot of traffic! My boys are 3 & 4.  My hubby and I work different days to save on daycare, so I always am at work or taking care of them.

    Also have your hubby and you go back an forth so that you each have time to yourself.  That relieves the stress.  A couple hours a week where you aren't taking care of anyone or doing anything for anybody but you.

    You'd be amazed how you feel that you can handle anything. I'll bet your hubby needs those hours too.

    Then pick a night of the week where you both go out to just be an adult.  You don't have to spend money.  Go for a walk.  Go get drinks, that's under $20.  

    Good luck.

  10. sorry to say the best thing for you to do is smoke a .3 pinner of mary jane at night, and soak in a bath with candles i know you may not smoke but take one day spend 10 dollars and set a bath and go wild you live once, and your doing a d**n good job at living smoke a joint it will relieve the stress for at least 3 hours while in that bath, mayb while your still a little high have s*x with your husband it really spices up the bedroom makes it killer better.

  11. this stress comes ons a life it means u are a very good mother ..... don't give up  ... becoz some things are difficult in our life we need to solve them .... play with ur children  .. give them time becoz it will also give u time ..and make atime table for ur selve to have a picnic in any garden near by ... in weekends these simple joys don't need money....

  12. I would suggest a six pack or a bottle of wine.  Sometimes that's all that helps. Or why not leave the kids with the husband and go somewhere with a friend who has a car?  

  13. know what you do? you take a bath! that's 20 max 30 min alone! or read a good book!

  14. What I would like to know is why are you working 3 jobs when you have a husband???  I think you should quit at least one of those jobs and have your husband watch the kids sometimes so you can have some time alone!!!  Plus, talk to your husband or somebody close to you about how you feel.  Or you can get a journal and write in it every night.  Pray.. As they say "let go and let God deal with it". Have a good cry (never be afraid to cry).  I have found from experience that venting is a wonderful way to relieve stress.  Good luck and I REALLY hope your situation gets better for you

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