
How do u hide your pictures on myspace??? HELPP?

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plzz help im tired of ppl cummntn stupid stuff on mi pikks..... soo pllzz helppp me?!?!?!?!




  1. click edit pics, then options, the where its says private or only youm something like that.

    hope i could help.

  2. well go to your photos where it says edit which albums u want u can make them private so no one but u seems them

  3. you can just go to edit and go to private but if you want to hide pics on your pro go to the html and add a <div></div> round it.  then in the div type <div style="display: none;">pic</div> or just take it out which would be so much simpler.




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  4. well remove

    ok once you have go on to edit photos make a new folder and its going to ask you for the name of the album and location and it you want everyone to see them or only your friends or only u...then you just make the album viewable to yourself and then just move them there

  5. delete them lol or you can set your profile as private so only your friends can view your pic if you can't trust your friends to look at your pics then they should not be on your friends good luck!!!! :)

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