
How do u just surround yourself with postitive people?

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Like all my life....I've always attracted negative, depressed people...its hard because I am soo depressed myself (which I've been taking medication for and seeing a therapist) and I can't really put on an act and act all happy and positive (trust me I've tried.) I just seem to always attract unhelpful people in my life that always make me feel like make it worse they have no social lives, my mum is always really negative, and my dad is like clueless about everything and thinks there's nothing wrong with me....I just feel powerless and feel like there is nothing I can do I just feel like my destiny is to be miserable.




  1. Stop it. Okay, this is what I do because I've always been depressed since childhood. I take fun classes at our local college. The people that go here don't HAVE to be here, they want to be! I joined a book club, the leader happens to be a music therapist. Everyone has their problems but we always leave feeling better about things.I used to go bike riding, I'd just cruise and think. But Seratonin( the chemical in your body that makes you feel good) would kick in and I'd eventually come out of it. If you put negative thoughts in your head, you WILL make them come true, I'm not kidding. SO, start off by saying to yourself..WHATEVER happens its not going to get me down d**n it!! Oh, and go have yourself a real good laugh.Literally. Go to the bathroom or in your pillow and laugh REAL hard. That releases

    Seratonin also.The library has lots of books, I go there when I'm low

    it gets my mind onto other things.Good luck.

  2. buy suzy orman's cds and watch them again and again.she is wonderfull financial adviser and a very positive will learn about yourself and money.she has a book also money and women or women and money.but there are the real facts of life for a to change yourself by doing the positive can watch on tv her shows.if have a chance go to her live shows.there deffinately you will find the positive thinker personalities,make few friends and go on from there to start a new phase of your will change to a better and a happy not waist your time with your parents who do not have a good impact on body can change you in a good or bad  thing unless you are willing to change yourself.this is the time you know yourself by taking the right directions of your mental situation,you are taking madication and seeking mental help,but you must start living with posetive thinkers.start praying a lot to get peace and seek help from god to protect you and help to be a better positive thinker.and thank god for every thing you have.

    good luck.

  3. I am the same way me my self I try to stay away from negative people like for example my grandmother is a negative person so instead of talking to her every day like I use to I talk to her once a week then I have a neighbor who is always depressed and I would try to help her out and I am depressed myself so it would make me even more depressed. So, I just told her I am going through alot right now and you are going to have to stop coming over so much. It helped to be up front with her. Then I have a friend who likes to talk about people all the time and I had to cut her off because I do not like when people are always talking about others and no one is perfect. I hope that you get better and then once you get better it might be better for you to coupe with others situations. Your destiny is not to be miserable you are probably suppose to help people out maybe once you get better you your self can be a therapist good luck and keep on talking to your therapist  

  4. I have suffered with depression for the past 5 years, and my best closest friend is really positive - he thinks the best of everything, so much so that he is blinded to the negative things and is therefore not much help when I am feeling low.  Positive people have their disadvantages too.

  5. I know the feeling.... I'm no doctor or anything like that, but I would suggest take some time off for yourself... Get yourself in more of a stable position, isolate yourself for a little bit and just drill it into your head that you are worth living for, and assure yourself that you are indeed a good person. when you have it down where you can honestly say your happy make a fresh start... when you see ppl being negative try changing the subjects, or just remove yourself from the convos... If you are seeing a therapist I would suggest you talk to them about it because they will be able to help you much more than I can lol... Good Luck!!!!

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