
How do u know how much they're takin out of ur paycheck for taxes?

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i work at kmart and i get direct deposit so my paychecks go directly into my bank account and i wanna know if theyre cheatin me. everytime i add up how much i should get paid according to my hours that i've worked, i always end up gettin about 150 dollars less and i'm wondering if anyone coud give me website where i could go and find out how much taxes are taken out of my paycheck in the state i live in. thanx!




  1. you should be getting a paycheck stub regardless of how you are paid.  

    that should show exactly you how much is being taken out for what (fica, state, ss, medicare).  

    you should have filled out a w-9 (by law) and claimed a certain number of exemptions and state that you don't need backup witholding.  if at the end of the year you are getting refunds (or owe a lot) you should be changing that number so you are more towards even at the end.


  3. Even if you have direct deposit, you should still be getting a voided copy of the check along with the paycheck stub.  The stub will (or should) show your gross earnings, net earnings, a breakdown of all taxes withheld, a summary of paid time off taken (if applicable), and any other similar info for the pay period.  If you are not being provided this, talk to your supervisor or HR manager about how to get a copy of the info each pay period.  There are all kinds of reasons why you might need to show proof of income including securing various types of loans, renting an apartment, etc.

  4. Payroll has charts (probably computer programs now) that specify your federal, state, city, FICA and unemployment withholding for your income and number of dependents. If you're taking out "0" for dependents, you're cheating yourself.$150 a week is a lot of money, I would see my supervisor about that one. They won't believe your website info anyway. Lots of errors could've been made (wage rate, residency, dependents. Are you taking anything out for yourself, like health care, retirement, etc?

    Best to go directly to payroll and ease your mind.

  5. depending on what u make, your gonna pay around 20 - 26% of your total income on taxes. so once you check the tax rate in your state, divide the total amount of taxes you pay by your total income. the percentage you get is what you pay. of course you can always adjust your w2 information to take out less taxes than they are taking out.

  6. Even if your check is deposited directly, you should get a statement showing gross earnings and detailing deductions. Ask your supervisor or payroll department. Shouldn't be a problem

  7. You can go to to see exactly what your paycheck should be in your circumstances.  Ask your payroll department for a link to your electronic paystubs at least, or for actual copies of them.  What is your total pay, number of hours, etc and we can give you a basic idea if it sounds about right? At a minimum about 22% should be withheld for taxes (federal withholding of 10%, SS, Medicare,etc) if you are in the lowest tax bracket.

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