
How do u know if your bisexual or just curious?

by Guest44618  |  earlier

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plz dont make fun of me because i have been trying to find myself for a long time now...

well, the thing is that i find guyz attractive but i find myself constantly checking girls out as well...i can picture myself having s*x w/ girls but not actually be in a relationgship as much as i do w/ guyz...

can anyone give me some insight?




  1. Right now I would call u curiouse try it out see if u like it u can't ever see urself with a girl until I take the first step an try it I For size

  2. I'd say you're a bisexual who just prefers men

    simple as that!

  3. You are normal. Don't label yourself.  

  4. I think if you find yourself that interested in girls then you're probably bisexual and just not feeling comfortable enough with it to let yourself believe it.  Still, if you're not sure I guess it's fair to keep considering yourself bi-curious instead of bisexual.  

    Here's another thought - do you really need a label?  Just let yourself feel how you feel, be attracted to who you're attracted to, love who you love... That's my philosophy.  Eventually you'll know who you are if you just let yourself be yourself.

  5. i think the relationship interest in guys is because that means something that is stable, something that fits into what you grew up believing in and something that offers you a family and children experience ...all of which are good reasons for your interest in it may be more your true sexuality ........The attraction to girls may be less strong ..but still a part of your own personality ....If  you are young, i think you can have a  female relationship if it comes along.. and then see how you feel about it deep down....You may want to stay with women as a life choice  ...but i get more  the feeling that the part of you that likes guys is probably what you will return to.. once your curiosity about girls has had a chance to be explored.

  6. omg, i know exactlyyyy how you feel ! i love the women's body parts like the p***y and the b***s and stuff and it's just so pleasuring. i'm straight but i cant ever see myself with a girl. i absolutely hate girls haha but theyre stuff is amazing to look at! email me if you have any questions or if you just want to talk :D . im sorry if i didnt help :/

  7. Let it into your head....straight people are NOT curious. This is a g*y myth, to pass off anal s*x as a past time activity.

  8. i think if you believe you could be in love with a woman, than ur bi, but if u only think u wanna have crazy s*x with one, your prolly just bi-curious.

  9. So be physical with girls and have relationships with guys... it's not a big deal...

    you may also just think that you could never be in a relationship with a girl because you've never actually been with one and because of all the stigma around g*y relationships in mainstream society...

    Just put your curiosity to the test and keep an open mind. Have fun and good luck!

  10. My dear, you're over-analyzing this far too much.

    What do you mean by you've been "trying to find myself for a long time"?  If you look in a mirror, you'll find yourself standing right there.

    Okay, that was a lame attempt at humor.  But the point I'm making is that you don't have to "find yourself" -- that's a very overused and trite expression.  All you have to do is live your life day-to-day and just roll with the punches.

    Your over-analysis and fretting are obscuring the very simple truth that's right in front of you.  Namely, you find both males and females attractive -- ergo, you're bisexual.  If you were expecting all your toiling and wrangling to yield some sort of revelatory "Aha!" moment, I really don't think anything dramatic like that is going to happen.

    And here's something that may not have occurred to you -- you're really not required by law to choose some pat label and wrap yourself up in it.  People nowadays have an odd compulsion to do that -- to find the perfect label so that they can be easily described to others.  There's really no point -- just live your life, dear.  Toiling to find the perfect label is really not going to clarify anything for you -- you'll simply put on the label and find yourself feeling compelled to operate within its parameters.

    Love who you want, and have s*x with who you want.  It's your life, so live it however you like.  And let others draw their own conclusions about you, rather than feeling like you have to explain anything.  You're a human being, not a textbook or case study.


  11. s*x is s*x regardless of who you do it with.  When I think bisexual or straight or g*y, it defines who you are capable of falling in love with. It really depends on what your standards of the words are but I don't think you should call yourself Bi simply because you love the female body.  Bi-curious would be a more appropriate term, or just a straight woman who enjoys the female body. Besides you don't want to bring a girls hopes up by telling her your bi if you only enjoy the physical aspect of the relationship.  When you think about a man,as a straight person, you think about being in a emotional relationship as well as a sexual one. Why should it be any different with a female?

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