
How do u know if your cat is pregant??

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my boyfriendm was working on the house and my kitty cat got out my cat is an indoor cat and 3 days after she got out she was on my deck lookin 4 food i brought her in itz been 2 1/2 weeks so wht do i do




  1. are you the father?  if so cat chow is cheap.  good luck  i would not want to be in your shoes.  oh yes are cat teeth as sharp as they look    outch

  2. mslucy22033, that wont work. If the cats already pregnant then that wont work that will kill the kitten. If your cat is pregnant, she will not be acting normal. She wont want to be picked up, she wont be energetic, and shell be very tired.

  3. immediately make an appointment with your vet to get the cat spayed.  problem solved.

    spotz, of course, it will work.  it has only been 2 1/2 weeks.


    it tells it all about cat pregnancy!

  5. Unless you’re breeding your cat chances are you won’t know your cat is pregnant until she is well along in the gestation period. The mother doesn’t begin to bulge noticeably until a couple of weeks before delivery time. Here are a few signs and symptoms you may see if your cat is pregnant:

    - Nipples will begin to enlarge and become more soft and pink (this is the #1 sign)

    - Weight gain, especially around the mid-section

    - Increase in appetite, this usually occurs close to birth

    - Some cats may become more affectionate than usual

    - Cats may also exhibit morning sickness

    - Nesting activity begins

  6. well feel her stomach lightly but hard enough to  see if you can feel something and if you don't does she have a big appetite? is her nipples swollen? or crusty and is milk coming out? if alot of these are symptoms then she could be pregnant or in heat  but take her to the vet and feed her alot

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