
How do u know if your child is really hyperactive at almost 2?

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my son will be 2 the 24th and he acts really hyper all the time i dosent bother me but some people say he has adhd but i dont think so he is just a funny and silly kid any advice???




  1. Oh good grief, 2 yr olds are hyper, especially boys. My nephew was h**l on wheels until about 4. He is now 10 and has never been adhd he was just a typical boy, all energy.

  2. I was a toddler/two year old teacher for 8 years and let me tell you, they all have ADHD!! Lol, just kidding. Being hyper all the time at age 2 just means they're acting their age. They usually don't start screening until age 3 at the youngest anyway- and that's not even that common. In all the years I worked with kids I only cared for 1 boy who I suspected of having ADHD at such a young age and he was EXTREMELY different from the other kids- he was diagnosed shortly after his 3rd birthday and was a VERY exceptional case. I wouldn't worry just yet. A lot of people who say that are probably joking anyway. I'd like to think most people are more reasonable than that lol. =]

  3. Most 2 year olds are hyper - I wouldn't worry about it unless when he starts school the teacher tells you that there is a problem.

  4. HE IS 2! what is peoples issue with kids these days. I teach and i bet that maybe one of all the kids labeled with adhd actually have it. If it doesn't get him hurt in any way and it doesn't bother you who's his mother then don't listen to them.

  5. You can't really diagnose it until later in life, around school age. Many doctors refuse to diagnose or attempt to diagnose until age 5.

    You can't tell at that age and you are right to trust your parental instincts. When you start to worry about it yourself, then you can have it checked out. Until then, stand your ground and affirm that a hyper two year old is a normal two year old.

  6. I agree with the others -- at 2 years old, a child is better off overactive than not.  Though beware...if your child's teacher suggests the same a few years down the road, don't rule out intelligence.  My son's K teacher suggested my child be medicated for ADD or ADHD because he had a "lack of focus."  WHAT 5 YEAR OLD DOESN'T???  We declined.  He was put on a "daily behavior sheet" half-way through the year.  In 1st grade, he was treated similar.

    Due to a move, he attended a different school for 2nd grade.  They were stunned to find out he wasn't given "enrichment" opportunities the years prior because he was so advanced!  (They said he was most-likely bored and not challenged, thus appearing distracted.)  We were young parents and knew no better.  It took nearly 2 years to recover from being pinned the "distracted or off-task" child.  Be well informed!

  7. You should maybe just take him to a doctor. Doesn't hurt to just have him checked for adhd.

  8. RELAX. It isn't unusual for kids at age 2 to be absolutely all over the place all of the time. Some kids at this age can't sit still to eat---and a few years from now they won't seem hyper at all.

    I'm not saying ADHD doesn't exist or that your son is going to be calm and mellow by age 5 LOL just that there is a range of activity levels and behaviors for age 2 that many people seem unaware of. In other words, they judge your son's behavior based on THEIR experience with other kids your son's age.

    At his two year old checkup the doctor will ask about what he is doing and what he can do. Ask if  your son is acting in an age-appropriate manner and see what they say.

    Sometimes kids are just high energy and people with low energy kids---or older kids who have outgrown this stage----don't know how to deal with it.

    Have fun with him :)

  9. Well in my opinion all 2 year olds are hyperactive!! Not necessarily ADD tho. I just think this is one of the ages when chidlren are totally busy little people.

    Doctors don't even try to diagnose ADD at this age - too hard to tell the difference between normal and not normal - they are just always moving at this age.

  10. It is unlikely that he is ADHD.  Kids that are truly ADHD at this age have insomnia, are impulsive, get into things daily, take risks, are violent, and break things a lot.

    Personally I hate the unsolicited advice from lay people.  I never give my opinion unless it is an area I am knowledgeable in.

  11. i have a 4 year old that never shuts up! seriously, never. i have been told by people and friends that i should see if he has adhd. i won't. he's intelligent and funny. if he has problems listening or being quiet in school, then i may consider looking into it. your kid is 2. he should NOT be sitting in front of a tv quiet all day. he should be talking some and trying to figure out all kinds of things, being curious, and playing all the time. someone will always tell you something. he's too quiet? something might be wrong! he's too rowdy? something might be wrong! it's your kid, you know him better than anyone, if you think it's normal for him, you are probably right. i suggest never stifling their creativity at that age. they learn by playing. just start teaching him he has to behave when you run errands, be good in public and such,,,,but heck, he's 2. let him be who he is. enjoy it while you can. one day he will be big and not want to kiss you in front of his friends and all that. i'll listen to "monsters with hair, monsters with no hair, monsters that are really smart and never die......blah blah blah...." all day. i love it. he's funny.

  12. He is 2 years old...all toddlers tend to be "hyper"  Ask those who claim he has ADHD if they are qualified to make that diagnosis because only a doctor can after extensive testing.

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