
How do u know the names of ur bakugans?

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  1. I think that each Bakugan has a name card that comes with it. Other than that I think you could reconize by the shape of your Bakugan.

  2. The different types of Bakugan that appear in the game.

    Main Bakugans

    Centipoid: A centipede-like Bakugan with huge pincers, sometimes called a constrictor.

    Falconoid: A humanoid falcon.

    Fear Ripper: A Bakugan with sharp claws used for slicing and chopping.

    Griffon: A lion-like Bakugan with wings and a snake like tail.

    Reaper: A bakugan with a skeleton body and a reaper scythe. It used to be Masquerade's Bakugan, but was replaced by Hydranoid in "Just For the Shun of it".

    Robotallion: A robot-looking Bakugan with holes.

    Serpenoid: A snake-like Bakugan with deadly fangs.

    Laserman: A robotic Bakugan with lasers on its shoulders.

    Stinglash: A scorpion like Bakugan with a stinger.

    Hydranoid: A hydra-like Bakugan. Masquerade's Guardian Bakugan. It reaches 450 GS with the ability card Chaos of the Darkness.

    Dragonoid : A dragon-like Bakugan. Dan's Guardian Bakugan with a power level 340 GS. It's power level increases to 380 GS in the episode "No Guts, No Glory." It's power level later increases to 400 GS with the ultimate Ability Card Boosted Dragon.

    Saurus: A triceratops-like Bakugan that stands on two legs.

    Tigrerra: A tiger like Bakugan. Runo's guardian Bakugan with power level of 340 GS; it is also called "Tig" by Runo. It's ultimate Ability Card is Velocity Fang [Crystal Fang in English].

    Preyas: A Bakugan able to change its attribute. Marucho's Guardian Bakugan. Many thought since he can change attributes like a chameleon can change colour that he is a chameleon.

    Gorem: A giant golem-like Bakugan. Julie's Guardian Bakugan 380 GS. It's ultimate Ability Card is Mega Impact.

    Skyress: A phoenix-like Bakugan. Shun's Guardian Bakugan 360 GS. It's ultimate Ability Card is Green Nobility Violent Wind.

    'Juggernoid': A tortoise-like Bakugan. The Aquos attributed one that belong to Christopher. It is his guardian bakugan.

    Delta Drangonoid: The evolved version of dragonoid that has a cobra's hood and thornes all over it.


    Beestriker: A bee-like Bakugan with a deadly stinger.

    Cycloid: A giant Cyclops with a giant hammer in his right hand. Billy's Guardian Bakugan. It reaches 470 GS with the ultimate ability card Left Giganty.

    El Condor: A Bakugan that looks like a Totem Pole Shaman with an amazing ability to fly.

    Monaris: A butterfly-like Bakugan.

    Wormquake: A large worm with a huge, gaping mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

    Mantris: An mantis like Bakugan with really sharp claws.

    Rattleoid: A Bakugan that looks like Serpenoid, except with a rattle on its tail.

    Ravenoid/Falconeer #2: A raven-like Bakugan with full body armor.

    Siege: A warrior looking Bakugan with a long sphere and armor.

    Harpus: A Harpy-like Bakugan. Komba's Guardian Bakugan; it's ultimate Ability Card is Feather Blast.

    Fortress: A Bakugan with three faces and four arms. Each face changes with different abilities. Chan Lee's Guardian Bakugan; it's ultimate Ability Card is Face of Rage.

    Tentaclear: A Bakugan with one eye and six tentacles. Julio's Guardian Bakugan. Its ultimate Ability Card is Mega Flare Blinder.

    Sirenoid: A mermaid Bakugan with a harp. Klaus's Guardian Bakugan. This Bakugan rises out of Gate Cards with the ability card Dive Mirage. Her ultimate Ability Card is Anthamusa.

    Hynoid: A wolf-like Bakugan.

    Manion: A sphinx-like Bakugan.

    Tuskor: A mammoth-like Bakugan.

    Warrius: A warrior Bakugan with a mace.

    Limulus: A stingray Bakugan with spikes on it.

    Gargonoid: A Gargoyle Bakugan.

    Terraclaw: A crab Bakugan.

    Wyvern: The Infinity Bakugan, as she contains the Infinity Core. Joe's Guardian Bakugan. Naga's good twin sister. While she is the complete opposite of Naga, during battle, she is considered Haos. She has a crush on Dan's Dragonoid. Power level: 550 GS

    Apollinir: The ultimate and legendary Pyrus Bakugan. He's the ultimate Dragonoid. The leader of all of the six soldiers. Power level: 500 GS . All six soldiers are Rena's Guardian Bakugan. * Clayf: The legendary Subterra Bakugan. Somewhat like a shakokidogu. The one with the best strength of all of the six soldiers. Power level: 500 GS

    Lars Lion: The legendary Haos Bakugan. Somewhat like an angel warrior. The most moral of all of the six soldiers. Power level: 500 GS

    Frosch: The legendary Aquos Bakugan. Somewhat like a giant frog. The wisest and the most tactical of all of the six soldiers. Power level: 500 GS

    Overus: The legendary Ventus Bakugan. Somewhat like a giant moth/butterfly. The most compassionate of the six soldiers. Power level: 500 GS

    Excedra: The legendary Darkus Bakugan. Somewhat like an eight headed snake. The most powerful of all of the six soldiers. Power level: 500 GS

    Naga: Wyvern's evil twin brother. He has the Silent Core and only craves power. The complete opposite of Wyvern. He is a bone dragon. His attribute is Silent or Darkus. Power level: 1000 GS

    Hammer Gorem:The evolved version of gorem that is stronger, more armored, and more powerful.

    Storm Skyress:The evolved version of skyress that has more GS and is bigger.

    Angelo and Diablo:The evolved versions of Preyas. They both are in one bakugan ball. They both are exact opposites. Angelo is Haos and is nice and respective and looks like an angel. While Diablo is Pyrus and is mean and rude and looks like a devil.

    Blade Tigrerra:The evolved version of Tigrerra that stands on two legs with two arms and blades all over her.

    Bakugan World/Attribute

    Pyrus (Nova 12) - Fire (strong attack)

    Aquos - Water (okay attack and okay defense)

    Subterra - Earth (strong defense)

    Darkus (Darkon) - Dark (powerful cards) strong against Haos and vice versa

    Haos (Luminoz) - Light (powerful cards) strong against Darkus and vice versa.

    Ventus (Zephyros) - Wind (moves quickly)

    Infinity core - Positive energy -- Counted as Haos

    Silent core - Negative energy -- Counted as Darkus

    Now go and save Vestroia!!!!!

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