
How do u know when female budgies are about to lay their eggs?

by  |  earlier

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my parents brought me a baby budgie awhile back and have just found out that its a female. she has not been eating as much as she use to and has just started biting people that go close to her cage. she will not even let u clean her cage




  1. She would always find a place to settle down and she would fluff up. Example at the food cup or water cup or whatever.

  2. they go red in the face and start swearing at the male

  3. Well, when my two females were ready to lay their eggs the top of their beaks would turn a brownish red colour. Also they would be spending a lot of time in their nesting boxes and the partner would be feeding them from the entrance of the box so they didin't have to go and get their own food.

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