
How do u knw when ur budgies fight???10 pts!?

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0 LIKES UnLike do u knw when ur budgies fight??? my budgie Sky and Sara BITES the other when they are trapped at the same place. do they fight that way? it happens when my hand goes near to them. i dnt knw if they actually bites. the other just use their beaks and it seems like that that bird is telling the other to move.

is that it? or is something wrong?

2.and what do budgies like to play with?

like something that is shiny like what??? they do not play with the papers that i put inside the cage. they just ignore it. what should i do?

pls answer both questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. They bite & squawk & beat their wings when they fight just like any other things that fight.

    They like shiny little bells & swings.

    My bird,Sunny's,favorite thing is a string of beads hanging from the top of the cage.

    They are still scared & get stirred up when you approach them is why they bite each other when your hand gets near.

    To get them used to you & let them know you won't hurt them,clip the wings & carry them with you,like in a big pocket or on your shoulder.Just make sure no other animal is around to hurt them.

  2. when they make noises that are obviously showing theyre unhappy and they have their beak open and move their head really fast at the other bird they are fighting. if they are both males that might be the problem. if they ARE fighting (and not just preening eachother, which it doesnt sound like) then theyll have to be separated but i would put the cages next to eachother still so they arent alone.

    i would get a cuttlebone, they love to chew on them and they need them for calcium, which is very important.

    do not get a mirror, they can become more attached to it than you (unless you dont plan on interacting with them)

    the easiest thing to do would be to go to your local pet shop and ask one of the people there what toys are good for your budgies and theyll help you.

    heres some cuttlebones...

    i have this toy for my spectacled parrotlet, she likes the bell and how she can climb in the circles, but she cant chew on it, which is something birds need, but its still a good toy...

    toys like this are fun for birds and good to chew on....

    those are just a few things, but anything that has a bell, that they can chew on, that they can climb on are all good things, get toys with those attributes.

    papers are boring because its just something sitting there, plain and boring and not colorful or with cool shapes or making fun noises, etc. just like you wouldnt want to play with a piece of paper either. also toys that have food inside that they have to work to get out are very fun for them too!

    get plenty of toys but not TOO many so that they can have flying space in the cage which is VERY important.

    they need plently of space and toys.

    also MAKE SURE you move the toys around AT THE VERY LEAST once a month, or their minds wont be stimulated and theyll get very bored and could also get stressed.

    anything else you need just email me!

  3. Hey isnt giving ten points to the best answerer cheating? YOU BETTER REWORD YOUR QUESTION OR MENTION IT THAT YOU WOULDNT BE GIVING 10 POINTS.


    1 they hit and bite each other, I think.

    2 i got them a mirror an bell. they liked it.

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