
How do u learn to do the split?

by  |  earlier

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i really wanna learn how to do the split but i dont know how a dancer i know how to go on my head and stuff but i just dont know how to do the split




  1. The splits. Everday you have a go but try and go further over days and eventully you should beable to do them

  2. This is something that i found the idea of it online and it really helped me out alot: ) hope this helps you.  All you have to do is hold each of the stretches for one min. This is a 3 week cycle.  The first week, do the stretch routine twice a day. The second week do it 3 times a day and then the third week do it four times a day and you should have your splits or be very close.  Hope this helps : )

    Splits Work Out In 3 Weeks: Stretches

    V-sit: sit with your back flat against a wall. Bring both legs as far back to the wall as you can and keep proper posture and straight legs. While keeping your posture, bring your back down towards the floor as your arms reach out in front of you (not down) as far as possible. Feel the stretch. Do this first pointing your toes, then flexing your feet. Try moving your legs out further as you go on. Also, you can reach out towards your right and left legs. Remember to breathe!

    Straight leg stretch: Basically, keep your legs straight and feet together. Stand, and without bending your knees, reach down as far as possible. Put your weight on your toes (not your heels)–this feels a bit unnatural at first, but it is the proper way to stretch. You can also do this one sitting. Sit with proper posture, legs straight out in front of you and ankles together. Reach out with your arms. Do this both flexing and pointing your toes.

    Sideways stretch: Ok, so you’ve probably figured out that I’m making up names for the stretches as I go along. Pretty creative, eh? Anyway, the “sidways stretch” goes like this. Stand in the straight leg stretch position. Now bring your right leg out in front of you (like you’re taking a step forward) about two feet. This doesn’t have to be precise, just as long as you’re close. Stand up, keep your posture back. Now reach down to your right foot, keeping your posture back and your hips in line. Your hips shouldn’t shift to aid you in your stretch. Go down slowly, and if you hips shift, come back up and try again. Go as far down as you can without shifting hips. After doing this for a minute, bend your left leg and continue stretching to your right. Now switch legs.

    4 Stretch: Named because it looks like a number 4. Sit down on your butt and put both legs straight out in front of you. Bend your left leg so that your left knee is on the ground, your left foot also on the ground with the flat side touching your right knee, and your right knee is straight with toes pointed. See the 4 that your legs make? Stretch, with proper posture, to your right leg. Reach out with your arms, as far as you can. After a minute, remembering to breathe, of course, flex your right foot and continue reaching out for another minute. Switch legs, and repeat.

    Standing V-leg stretch: Stand up, posture back, with your legs shoulder width apart. You can go a little wider if that’s more comfortable for you, but try to keep it as close to shoulder width as possible. Bring your straight arms between and beyond your legs–reach back. Also reach to your right and left legs. Reach down the center, too. As with the straight leg stretch, keep your weight over your toes rather than your heels.

    Half Squat. Keep your right leg where it is and place your left leg straight out your left side, toes pointed, as if you were doing the center splits with your left leg. Put your right hand on the ground to the left of your right foot. Use your right elbow to push your right knee out. You should feel stretching your inner thighs. Switch sides.

    Now Do The Splits!!! Do them each side and hold for one min.

  3. The splits arent really something you can just do in a day.

    You need to strech often, and keep on practicing.

  4. stretch every night and hold your splits no matter how far down you are for at least 30 seconds so your muscles can become used to the stretch. After about a week or two of stretching daily you will be able to do the splits!

  5. The best way to learn to do the spilts, is to stretch everyday and practice them, both right and left. The more you stretch and practice them, the more your body wll get use to doing the spilts, and soon enough you will be able to do them.

    So just stretch everyday, and sooner or later you will be doing the spilts in no time.


  6. You don't learn.

    You stretch a lot and your muscles in your legs learn to stretch that way.

  7. stretch

  8. Stretch!

  9. Stretch everyday!! Go into the hurdle position and put your head on your knee, switch your legs and do it again. Go into the straddle position (/\) and put your head on the floor, your right leg and your left leg. Stand up and put your feet just over shoulder width apart and put your head down towards your legs as far as it can go in the center of your legs. Put your head on your right leg then your leg left. For every stretch hold it for 8-10 seconds. Then after you stretch, try to do the splits, you will find that you will get further and further everyday. Make sure you try to do the splits with your right leg in front, then your left leg, and then the straddle splits.  Make sure before you stretch you wear loose fitting clothes and no denim or leather or material that doesn't stretch easily. =)

  10. Sorry but you don't learn how to do them, the more you stretch the closer you will get to the splits.

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