
How do u live gree?

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How do u live gree?




  1. if you mean how to live green: get energy efficient bulbs, turn off the lights when you leave a room, turn off the water when you are not using it, take shorter showers (if possible), instead of using paper or plastic bags use and reuse cloth bags, plant a tree or two.. there is a lot you can do. it's simple.

  2. I assume you mean "green".  Reduce, reuse and recycle.  It starts when you make purchases.  Avoid products that are over packaged.  Carefully consider whether there is another use for something you want to throw away.  Look at packaging to determine whether it can be recycled.  Use resources wisely.  Capture water that would otherwise go down the drain and use it to water plants.  Use the space you have to grow your own veggies, herbs or whatever you can, even if you have to plant them in containers.  Use solar powered lighting in your yard and energy efficient light bulbs in your home.  Strategically plant bushes and trees in your yard to shade your home.  Support locally grown produce. Unplug electronics that use vampire energy.  Only run full loads in both the dishwasher and washing machines and use the air dry functions, or hang dry garments.  Use earth friendly cleaning products, like baking soda and vinegar.  Use mulch and drip irrigation in the yard to conserve water and catch the rain that falls to water them.  Morph meals by using the main ingredients from one meal to make another later in the week.  Don't drive to burn gas, stack trips efficiently and use OPG (other people's gas) asking neighbors and friends to pick up items for you on their way (do the same for them).
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