
How do u look at someone and determine there sexuality , there emotions , etc?

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How do u look at someone and determine there sexuality , there emotions , etc?




  1. You can never be sure that you're right about what they're feeling, and what their sexual orientation is, but body language can be a good way of guessing.  If a man is openly effeminate, it often means he's g*y.  You can try to guess some one's mood by looking at their facial expressions and body language as well.  This kind of stuff is studied by psychologists, if you're really interested, look it up.

  2. There was a study about a connection between g*y men and women and their index to ring finger ratios, but I don't know how accurate that was.

  3. some people show their sexuality through their cloths and some people show their emotions and sexuality through their behaviours and actions.

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