
How do u make a foam pit for practicing dirt bike tricks?

by Guest63078  |  earlier

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  1. Alright, you better print this......first: find a level place where you want to build it(trust me you do not want to move it around). get some 1 ft. wooden stakes(8) these are going to be the templet for  how big you want it. You need a 100ft. length chalk line(bright pink dust). now mark out how ever big you want it (50ft. x 50ft.)is best/ this is what i have mine built at. the best thing you can do is use sinder blocks as you main foundation(you want the box to be off the ground a little so rain water can drain out of it) Now build a solid flooring: use 4" x 4" fence post/longer the better, then you want to cover the bottom/floor of the box with 1" thick plywood sheets, Now the floor is done. Now for the walls: You want the walls 12ft. mininum.(reminder; use alot of the 4" x 4" fence post they are going to be frame skeloton)Use 1" thick plywood for the walls too, You don't want to use 2" x 4"s they will break to easy. You want to use 2" x 8" s for the mid-support for the walls. Now , before you start putting foam in you box you have  to make some "drain holes" in the floor just in case of rain(you don't want water collecting inside).so, every space where there isn't any braces,make a hole(5" wide) and make those about every three feet(if you can) after you do that, you need some screen wire put that over every hole and apply it down where no kind of animal or reptile can get through it(double screen if you want too). go around and check every where elese for gaps and make sure the walls are solid. Now for the foam: well to have the custom square cubes of foam will cost about $20,000.00 to $40,000.00 to fill your pit up. Well, you can buy half and then go around and find old mattresses that being thrown away and tear them apart for the foam inside(that works) you can use the scrap wood from the mattresses to make a camp fire and collect all the metal springs and take them to the recycling center(and make a few dollars or more). For the crane;(this is very important) if you know any one that can them and let them build it. this is kind of a short version on how to build a foam is a list of tools and materials that you will need.

    1ft wooden stakes(10)

    4" x 4" s (longer the better)(alot)

    2" x 8" s(alot)

    1" thick 4ft x 8ft plywood(alot)

    4" and 6" black steel wood screws(buy it in bulk)

    "mesh" type screens

    concrete sinder blocks(30)

    steel(I beam type) and steel pole(10" round)

    2500lb electric winch

    electric drills(industrial)

    electric skil saw(industrial)

    tape measure(50ft)

    ruler square

    chalk line(100ft)w/ bright pink chalk

    carpenters hammers

    sledge hammer

    the biggest tarp covering you can find(to cover your foam pit when your not using it)

    If you want me to draw up a bluprint for you..... you can just email me ""

  2. Not sure of your financial situation but the first thing you need is a crain to get the bikes out of the pit...Then you just build a big gaint box like if framing a house and fill it with foam but it has too be a big one so that you don't miss it when you hit the jump! I would get the crain first because the pit is deep no way to get the bikes out! Cool video...Nitro Circus 1, 2, and 3...They get the whole family doing flips into the foam pit but mom broke her neck!

  3. I'm sorry i don't have any links but u take a dump-ster then u fill it with foam blocks. then put a ramp up to it then u have ur self a nice foam pit.

    good luck have fun riding

  4. You can still make em big - and this will still happen. Don't say it won't.

    If I was ever going to do that I would want that pit about twice as long and twice as wide.

  5. try the

    motorcycle forum

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