
How do u make a parrot to stop copying your every words ?

by  |  earlier

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i need help on that one! plz and thank you




  1. whisper so he can't hear you....

  2. parrots like to mimic and that is what you are up against.  That is all they know how to do.  You can ignore them but again if you have fun with it then you make a good budy for life. It is a mimicer and does that well.

  3. diddnt you know parrots did that? you should not have got one if you find that so annoying. just ignore it, he'll stop soon. or get tired of it...

  4. ignore him...they hate that and play with him when he stops...they're smart and will learn

  5. Most people want their birds to talk alot! Seriously though, it's a gift that your bird can talk, and I would encourage him. Why don't you try to find other things to keep your bird busy? Foraging toys are great for birds and can keep them busy for hours, plus it stimulates their minds and mimics food-searching behaviors they would exhibit in the wild. Remember, in their natural habitat, birds stay busy from dawn till dusk foraging, grooming each other, and flying. In our homes, they are deprived of all that, so we as owners need to make their lives as rich as possible. Remember too, birds are thought to be as smart as a toddler, and imagine how neurotic a toddler would be locked up in a cage 24/7. Give him something to do! :)

  6. stop talking lol

  7. maybe you shouldn't talk so much

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