
How do u make a person stop spending the night at ur house?

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Remember when I was complaining about the creep living in the house because my parents felt sorry for him from his gp's kicking him out their house? Well we asked him to leave the house while we were on vacation. He snuck over one day while we were gone to get some of his things. My cousin was here, and no1 told her not to let him in. Now since we've returned from vacation, he's been coming to the house to stay the night. He's working at the fair which isn't really far from us, but I don't like him staying here. I think he's trying to mossy his way back into staying here. We found out he was convicted as a child molester when he was younger. He has anger problems that he won't admit to (he gets smart mouthed w/ my mother by complaining about how he was done dirty as a child by every1 he knew). I'm tired of hearing about how depressing his life was. He acts like he's the only one who had a hard time as a child. He brings strife into the family making me as stressed as my mother, maybe more. My youngest sister loves him because they r the same (bad mouthed and annoying). How do I talk the family into making him stop staying the night here? Tonight is the 2nd time. He comes late at night disturbing every1's rest.




  1. tell your parents how you feel about it.

  2. State clearly and plainly

    "You are no longer welcome here, please leave my property or I will call the police and have you removed for trespass" Close the door allow reasonable time for him  to vacate the property eg 2-3 mins and then call the police if you need to.

    You must state to him that he is no longer welcomeand you are now classing him as a trespasser. As he has been allowed to stay previously you must make it clear that he is trespassing because if you do end up needing to ring the police you need to be able to say that he understood that he was no longer welcome and would be charged with trespass if he didnt leave. You could also try putting any of his belongings still there out on the curb, thats a big in your face hint if you dont want to get the law involved.

    Be strong its your house not his.

  3. If the guy has a history of child molestation then it is against the law for him to stay in a house where there are children.  Use this to get him the h**l out and away from you and your sister.

  4. Hun he's a child molester. People like that rarely change. Please please do you and your sister a favor and call the police, who knows if he'll do anything to you or your sister. I've been through rape, and it's horrible, please please be careful and call the cops hes breaking at least two laws. Get him out of your life.  

  5. Tell him to leave. If not push him out the door with force.

  6. Talk to your family about this that it's not right for a child molester to be staying with there.Tell them how it makes you feel and suggest in changing the locks.Call the police and get them involved if need to be. Your mom needs to be treated with respect and he needs to put out.Good Luck!

  7. You have to be honest.  This guy is obviously a menace and needs to be removed from family life.  I'm not usually this frank but call the cops, s*x offenders are not human.  

  8. Call the police and report the intruder. The mooch is trespassing.

  9. Tell him you're going to call the cops.  

  10. Is your youngest sister under 18? Maybe emphasize to your family that he's a child molester!! He sounds pretty disturbed and unsafe to be living with so your parents need to wake up and boot him out!!

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