
How do u make caramel?

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How do u make caramel?




  1. Melted sugar = carmel

    In order to make milk carmel you need to use TWO sugars. One = failure and two - success. Any two sugars will make it work but here's what I recommend...

    Boil 2 cups of milk

    Add 1 cup granulated sugar and one half cup of corn syrup

    1/4 stick of butter or margarine

    Leave on high while continuing to stir carmel. As the sugars begin to melt and mix with the milk, a thickening process will begin. Never stop stirring!

    That's it.... you have carmel! Use it to coat chicken, make candy, crust bread and a million other creative ideas. Carmel makes a great sauce if you make it a little less sweet and a bit more spicy.

  2. sugar

    brown sugar

    light corn syrup

    play with it till u getit right

  3. i know how to make it but you're probably not going to listen to a 14 year old. but hey i got it in a cookbook. so here:

    1/4 cup water

    1 cup sugar

    2 tbsp. light corn syrup

    1. wash and dry hands throughly. in a medium sauce pan,combine the water, sugar, and corn syrup/ stir them together with very clean fingers, making sure no lumps of dry sugar remain. Brush down the inside of the pan with a little water, using your fingers to feel for stray granules of sugar.

    2.cover the saucepan and place it over ,medium heat for 4 minutes. after 4 minutes, remove the lid, increase the heat, and bring to a boil. don not stir from this point on. keep an eye on the pan. it will be very bubbly. when stray sugar crystals appear on the sides of the pan, brush them down with a wet pastry brush. the sugar cooks, the bubble will get larger and the sugar will turn golden brown. insert a candy thermometer. when the temperature reaches 300F, lower the heat to medium, which will slow the cooking. continue to cook the sugar until it reaches 325F, about 3 minutes more. Remove the pan form the heat and let sit for about 2 minutes,until the bubbles subside.

    hope i helped

  4.                                           ~Caramel~

                       ~>  Ingredients <~

    * 12 tablespoons of white caster sugar

    * 2 tablespoons of hot water


                           ~>How to make<~

       1. Get a heavy-gauge aluminum saucepan that is pale in colour. That way, you can easily see the contrast between the colour of the metal and the darkening colour of the caramel.

       2. Warm the pan gently over a medium heat for a few moments then place 12 tablespoons white caster sugar in the pan, still over a medium heat. keep an eye on the sugar, until it begins to melt.

       3. Wait about 5 minutes, then the sugar will start to melt and turn liquid around the edges. Now give the pan a good shake and leave it again until about a quarter of the sugar has melted.

       4. Give it a gentle stir with the wooden spoon and continue to cook and stir until the sugar has transformed from crystals to liquid and is the colour of dark runny honey – a dark amber colour. The whole thing should take about 10 minutes from start to finish follow and it is important to be patient and not try to rush it – this is where most people go wrong with making caramel. You must allow the full amount of time at a medium heat.

       5. Then take the pan off the heat and add 2 tablespoons of tap-hot water – the caramel will splutter and steam so protect your hands with a cloth and take care. Stir well – you may need to return the pan to a gentle heat to re-melt any lumps of caramel that have formed. The caramel is now ready to use.



    * Remember not to put on a plate when hot, and let it cool, because if you do so, it will be very difficult to get off, so enjoy!

    * Taste is amazing with fruit.


                                   ~>Things you'll need<~

    * Heavy-gauge aluminum saucepan

    * Wooden spoon

    * Tablespoon (evidently)

    Happy cooking caramel!!

  5. What kind you looking for?  :)


    Vanilla Caramels

    2 cups sugar

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 cup light corn syrup

    1 cup condensed milk

    1 1/2 cups milk

    1/3 cup butter or fat

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

    Cook sugar, corn syrup, condensed milk, and milk together in a saucepan, stirring constantly until sugar is dissolved. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, until temperature is 248 F., or until mixture forms a firm ball when tested in cold water. Remove from heat, add butter, salt, and vanilla and mix well. Pour into a greased pan. When cold remove from pan, cut in cubes and wrap each caramel in wax paper.


    Chocolate Caramels

    Add 5 ounces melted, unsweetened chocolate, cut into small pieces, to recipe above for vanilla caramels.


    Coffee Caramels

    Substitute 1 1/2 cups coffee for the milk in recipe above for Vanilla caramels and omit vanilla.


    Nut Caramels

    Add 2/3 cup broken nuts to recipe for vannilla, or chocolate caramels after cooking.


    Club Caramels

    Make chocolate and vanilla-nut caramels. Pour one batch into the chilling pan, and top with the other batch.


    Vanilla Caramels

    1 cup butter or margarine

    1 pound brown sugar

    Dash salt

    1 cup light corn syrup

    1 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Melt butter in a heavy saucepan. Add brown sugar and salt. Stir until thoroughly combined. Stir in corn syrup and mix well. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly.

    Cook and stir over medium heat until candy reaches firm ball stage. 245 on candy thermometer. about 12 to 15 min. Remove from heat, stir in vanilla. Pour into a buttered 9 inch square pan. Cool and cut into squares.

    Note: This recipe makes a lot caramel, you may want to cut the recipe in half. We cut the pieces with scissors and wrapped each piece in wax paper.


    Chocolate Caramels

    21/2 tablespoons butter

    1/2 cup milk

    2 cups molasses

    3 squares unsweetened chocolate

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    Put butter into kettle; when melted, add molasses, sugar, and milk. Stir until sugar is dissolved, and when boiling-point is reached, add chocolate, stirring constantly until chocolate is melted. Boil until, when tried in cold water, a firm ball may be formed in the fingers. Add vanilla just after taking from fire. Turn into a buttered pan, cool, and mark in small squares.

  6. The only way I've ever seen it made is using condensed milk. Here's the directions:

    Caramel Sweetened Condensed Milk

    1 can sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated)

    Remove label from can. Place unopened can in the bottom of a very deep pot, such as a deep dutch oven. Cover with water so that the water is 3 to 4-inches above the can. Bring the water to a boil and boil steadily for four (4) hours.

    Note: You must make sure that the can is always totally covered with water. Never let the water level get down to the top of the can, because this could cause the can to explode.

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