
How do u prevent bees from nesting in your back yard

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we have got rid of over 4 nest in a week and more to do found more , every year we are infested in bees, we have no garden nor flowers hardley( just hanging plants) 3 of em and a big yard, we have a pool?? howevr my neoibour has a forest in her yard gardens flowers of every kind and trees galore. i am allergic to bees mentaly nd physically. so right now m on my way to home depot for a bee nest killer but in the mean time need an idea what has them attracted to my yard??




  1.  The point to note is that bees build hive vertically, hanging from some support. Correct? Then there are two effective methods. They cannot cling on to smooth surface. So put marble or smooth granite or glass at the underside of such surface where they are likely to nest. Other is to frequently put paint, which they dont like and will not nest.

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