
How do u pronounce the following business terms??? Could u write the pronunciation - e.g. [KOD] for COD?

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I am learning the basic business terminology and am interested in the pronunciation of the following business terms (abbriviations): CWO (Cash with Order), COD (Cash on Delivery), CAD (Cash against Documents), D/A (Documents against acceptance), D/P (Documents against Payment), EXW (ex works), FAS (Free Alongside Ship), FOB (Free on Board), CFR (Cost and Freight), CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), DES (Delivered ex Ship), DEQ (Delivered ex Quay), DAF (Delivered at Frontier), DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid).




  1. See-oh-dee. They are all pronounced as the individual letters. However they all seem to have something to do with shipping so I imagine that the ones that do make a word like CAD, FAS, FOB, CIF, DES and DAF will all be familiar enough at your workplace to refer to them as the `words` instead of the `letters`.

  2. All of the abbreviations in your original question are pronounced letter for letter, as previously stated, as are (additional examples)  USA, UN, UK.

    NAFTA is pronounced as word, as is NATO.

  3. As a general rule, just say the letters; do not try to make words for any of these acronyms.

    There are some used in jargon for a particular trade or industry. e.g. in a design environment CAD means 'computer-aided design' and is often pronounced as 'kad'.

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