
How do u put a pic on here to ask if ur pretty?

by  |  earlier

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pls tell




  1. Upload your Photo to a picture sharing site such as ImageShack® and then copy & paste the link into your question


    Please note that asking Am i pretty questions...or Rate me are considered chatting which is not permitted here on Yahoo! answers and could lead on you receiving a violation & point deduction


  2. You're not supposed to ask that question, its a violation of the community guidelines (considered chatting).

    You post a picture by uploading it to a website, copying the link and pasting it in the body of your question.

  3. if you have a myspace/facebook etc that works just click on the pic you want and copy the URL [btw thats the thing on the VERY top like were it says http://etc...] and then paste it to the Q your asking! ;]

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