
How do u...?

by  |  earlier

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hit a slice backhand which makes the ball go straight. i dont wanna hit it so the ball bounces and stays there, like a dropshot. i wanna be able to hit the ball so it goes further with slice. HOW???




  1. ptce

  2. ????

  3. You can't make contact with the ball too much under it. You have to DRIVE through the ball, not go too much under it. Make sure you have a continental grip too to slice.

    Good luck!

  4. pratice you got the right motion now its pratice

  5. hard to explain for me ... i have been playing since kindergarden and now i am in 7th grade ... but it takes practice just i guess try to go like under it at just the right angle ... ask an instructor in person !! btw check out my questions !!

  6. I'll make it simple. You have the same grip as your reguar backhand slice. Then, when you make contat with the ball, you follow through more outward and in front of you, instead of coming under it and chopping down like you would on a drop shot.

  7. huh???

  8. The key here is that the racquet face is only slightly open, maybe 5 degrees from vertical.  And while the racquet head starts up around shoulder level, it doesn't drop down much. You sweep it down to the contact point and then swing level (sometimes the follow through is even a bit up, but not much). This type of a swing makes the slice shot a really driving shot, the one that Ken Rosewall, the great Australian of the late 60's and early 70's was famous for.  

    One more tidbit:  you have to wait on the ball.  Contact too far in front, and this doesn't work.  The contact point is a little back from your lead leg, and your chin is tucked into the shoulder, so that you are watching the contact over your shoulder.

    It's some of the same advice that you give to a batter trying to get backspin on the fastball.
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