
How do u reckon a person will look like in a few centuries' time when all races converge?

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Globalisation has created opportunities for genetic mixing and interracial marriages. Today we see increasing numbers of Eurasians, mulattos, mestizos, and all sorts of multiracial people. With increasing interracial marriages and more exposure to different global races, do u think there is a time in the far future when the human race will become homogeneous and that there will be no more racial distinctions? What do u reckon this new multiracial human will look like?




  1. I am a mixed race person and so are lots of my friends and family.  We all look very different from each other.  

    I think there will be very fat or shrunken shrivelled up people who are hooked up to the Matrix vs mofos who opt to take a walk or jump to the rhythm now and then.

  2. Interestingly enough a report was published that red haired people are dying out because of the recessive genes.

    there's always going to be diversity, it just a question of how it's displayed.  Basically we will be light coffe coloured i suppose.

  3. Like Jessica Alba and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

  4. Mocha.......kind of like Barak O'Bama.

  5. very interesting question....i liked it....think, if there is no boundary the future people will be of nice look.

  6. Everyone will be beautiful.  I hope it happens and I hope that in that time, those people find nothing else to replace racism with.

  7. All the races will not converge as long as their is racism and prejeduce then the races will not all converge .. their simply will just be a higher percentage of mixed people in the world this probably wont reach over 60% .. although technnology is evolving rapidly the mindsets of people wont change rapidly enough in the next few centuries .. people are always afraid of whats different.

  8. it will be amazing. there wont ever be a one-raced person ever.. [:

    i love several mixed-raced people. one of my best friends is filipino and mexican . my other best friend is vietnamese and and nigerian.

    kimora lee simmons

    is half chinese half black.

    i hope your doing well (mr. stanley who never replies to my emails :P)

  9. There were no such thing as

    "Races" until after the Flood of Noah's ark, Biblically speaking.

    Or did I misunderstand your question wrongly??

  10. i feel like we will all have dark eyes, dark hair, medium-dark skintones, tall, thin, weaker muscles, our mouths will get smaller as well as our eyes, our brains will become much higher developed as will technology,  or at least i think.

  11. When this site opens, click at the bottom on "go to the future" to see several possibilities:

    I do not forcast those possibilities, though.  I see, secondary to stem-cell and genetic science, a future for humans in which we alter ourselves, blend collective memories and blend with other lifeforms, gradually reduce our mass and travel as viral entities with our memory collections and consciousnesses.

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