
How do u run fastest you can without stamina?

by Guest61266  |  earlier

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we're doing P.E tomorrow and there is dis girl who bullys me i run slow so i wanna beat her..

i have low stamina and if i run half a lap i get tired already..




  1. first of all, everyone is not gud at everything... i suck at sports... i know wat u feel.. the problem i faced was i don't really play a lot of football (american) and rugby soo it was really hard for me 2 get the game... well now i don't care, i like to swim and i'm real gud at it (xcept for the stamina part)..

    nywayz to improve my stamina, i have started jogging which has helped me a lot but u gotta jog everyday, regularly...

    don't push yourself too much

    and bout that run 2morrow, DO NOT DRINK WATER BEFORE THE RUN... if possilbe don't eat anythign with in an hour or two of exercising.... it will help u to run for a longer time...

    btw u can't increase ur stamina in a day, so u can't do anytihng bout the run 2morrow.. just be smart and try ur best.. don't get influenced by that girl.. wat a ******.. nywayz start out slow and when u think you are almost at your limit or can't run anymore, start sprinting... and get to the furthest point u can.... the sprint makes u feel better, and encourages u to run further more... if music helps u take a mp3 player or something..

  2. what a lame girl...the one who bullies you, but the best advice is drink water before hand, dont listen to those people who say, "oh yeah, just run 100 miles a day and you will win."  that wuld get up the endurance, but you get almost the same affect by drinking tons of water before the run.

  3. okay do not listen to the guy above me...

    ha said that he wasnt very good at sports so he really doenst know what hes talking about... DRINK WATER!  drink water and maybe even some gatorade or propel too but stop a good hour or so before you run... have a good breakfast and eat alot of carbs the night before (pasta, bread, etc).  depending when ur running i would eat a light lunch like a pb and j sandwich, crackers, and a granola bar... good luck!

  4. move around a lot and then jog then speed jog then run then run like crazy

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