
How do u say good morning; good, thank you; how are you; so whats up? in german?

by  |  earlier

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and lots of other words with translation.




  1. guten morgen, gut, bitte schon, and wei gehts

  2. Guten morgen means good morning - guten tag - means good day. Danke is thank you. Wie Ghets - how are you.

    I don't know about what's up - I'd just use Wie Ghets

  3. (German)

    Good morning:  guten Morgen

    Good: gut

    Thankyou:  Danke

    How are you:  wie Sie sind

    So, whats up:  So, was oben ist:

    Please:  bitte

    Good evening:  guten Abend

    See you soon:  bis bald

    Hope i have helped.... :D

  4. Don't use the free translations, the first person has wrong answers. Anyways here is what they are:

    "Guten Morgen" = good morning (used until like 12ish) then use "Guten Tag"

    "Gut, danke schön" is like Good, thank you! (just say danke if you want to say like thanks!)

    How are you is either "Wie geht's (dir)?" which is informal or "Wie geht es Ihnen?" which is used formally to someone.

    What's up is the same as how are you.

  5. good morning is "guten Morgen"

    good, thank you is "gut, danke"

    how are you is "wie Sie sind"

    whats up is "was oben ist"

    If you need to look up other phrases, there are multiple sites online that provide translation for free in all kinds of languages.

  6. Here's how I'll write it... English: German (Formal/Informal) // Phonetic pronunciation.  At least, these were the ways I was taught to pronounce them.  Pronunciation may vary slightly (Like with "Ich." Some say "Ick," "Ish," "Eesh," etc.), depending on who you talk to.

    Good morning: Guten Morgen! // Goo-ten more-gen

    Good, thank you: Gut, danke. // Goot, dahn-kah

    How are you?: Wie geht es Ihnen? (Formal) // Vee gate ace eenen * Wie geht's? or Wie geht es dir? (Informal) // Vee gates or vee gate ace dear.

    What's up?: Wie geht's? // Vee gates

    Some other useful phrases:

    My name is: Mein Name ist.... or Ich heiße // Mine nam-a ist... or Eesh hize-a

    What is your name?: Was ist Ihr name? (Formal) or Wie heißt du? (Informal) or Wie heißen Sie? (Formal) // Vas ist ear nam-ah? or Vee heist do? or Vee heis-sen Zee?

    I understand a little German: Ich kann ein wenig Deutsch. // Eesh cahn eye-n veenig Doytch.

    How do you say ____ in German?: Wie sagt man ____ auf Deutch? // Vee zah-ckt mahn owf Doytch?

    Hope this helps...

  7. Very well, thank you. I'm surprised you are concerned with my German!

  8. good morning = Guten Morgen

    good = gut

    thank you = Danke

    how are you = Wie geht es Ihnen - formal

    so what's up = Wie geht's

    in german = auf deutsch :-)

    my name is = mein namen ist...

    I come from (city) = Ich kommen aus ... (stadt)

    excellent resource for German language with other links..

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