
How do u say in Italian: you are a loser, Because of your sleep schedule all of us had to leave, thanks!?

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How do u say in Italian: you are a loser, Because of your sleep schedule all of us had to leave, thanks!?




  1. Sei un perdente, perché dormi troppo, e a causa di ciò tutti noi siamo dovuti andare via.

  2. Sei una pena (lit. means pityful or a pain in the a..; you  may change it with "schifezza" -rubbish- or "nullita' " -a zero a nothing- un morto -a dead man, a corpse- "una pecora" - a sheep- . There are thousand other ways to say it , but heavier)

    Per il tuo programma di sonno ce ne siamo dovuti andare tutti, GRAZIE !? (in capitals, to underline it is ironic, or , if said, stretch your voice on the a , making it long )

    The sentence as it is is ok both for male and female. Words are strong but not vulgar, and in proper Italian. Just say it if you need something more hard.

    Note: the use of Lei is too formal for the meaning of this sentence. Perdente is the literal translation of looser, but is not used in this way in Italian (perdente is a wrong choice, a wrong cause, hardly a weak or boring person)

  3. Lei è perdente, a causa del suo programma di sonno noi tutti abbiamo dovuto partire, i ringraziamenti.

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