
How do u say "what is ur last name " in spanish and "my last name is" in spanish???

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dese r my last 2 things i need 2 noe




  1. No no no ... here it is:

    ¿Cual es su apellido? What is your last name?

    "Mi apellido es ...."  My last name is ...

  2. Last name is APELLIDO, but there is also a reflexive verb which is APELLIDARSE, to have a last name.


    "¿Cuál es tu apellido?" or "¿Cómo te apellidas?"

    "Mi apellido es ..........." or "Me apellido ..........."

  3. How do you say - como se dice?

    What is your last name? Como es su nombre segundo?

    My last name is: Mi segundo nombre es...

  4. Hi, it's Yago, from Barcelona Spain.

    What is your last name?

    Cual es tu apellido?

    My last name is...

    Mi apellido es...

    hasta pronto / see you

  5. Since you are NOT using English, the non English words will not translate into Spanish.  May I suggest you first learn how to spell and write in English before you attempt to learn another language.

    Hope this helps.

  6. i just know:

    ?como te llama?

    me llamo..

    forgot the last name one...

  7. i'm giving u a link to a page..enter the question and it will translate it for u in the box below and is free of charge too..

  8. ¿cómo te último llamas?;

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