
How do u say sry in a..............?

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how do u say sorry in a MEAN RUDE way?




  1. use sarcasm, or change your tone of voice so it sounds mean

  2. Im sorry........ its not you its me. or just simply im sorry you were ever born.. whatever floats your boat

  3. Uhm, try it like,

    "Oh, I'm so sorry I did that. Did I

    hurt the little princess/prince's feelings?"

    It would be better if you did it with sarcasm.

  4. I'm sorry you suck.  I'm not sorry I hate you.  Say I'm sorry in a really sarcastic way.  Don't even apologize at all, say F#&K U instead.

  5. "Oh, did I?  Pity."  Delivered in a monotone.

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