
How do u serve overhand?(volleyball)?

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ive got it but im not sure if im doing it right?




  1. it is easy. when you think you have got it u probably have. stand with your feet lined up with your shoulders. bounce the ball once and catch it. (just to make sure you have enough air.) throw the ball up, cup your hands, and when you feel that it is close enough to it, HIT it. make sure you use your for-arms. about 3-5 inches above your wrist. make sure you hit it at an angle. Hope that helps!

  2. Good for you! It is a very important skill to master. Here are some of my own tips:


    The official rule is that you have 8 seconds to perform your serve. This is actually an eternity. Rushing your serve will only s***w up your routine, and cause you to lose serve and lose the point! So wait for the whistle!


    Your routine is perhaps the most important aspect of your “pre-serve”.Decide how many bounces, slaps, etc. you will do before going into the serving motions.This will give you some familiarity and make your serve consistent.

    This also includes knowing how far you are from the service line (“serves go over, feet don’t!”)


    Picking a target on the floor will keep you from serving “out”.

    Avoid good back row players, such as the libero as your victim. Find a possible hole on the floor (ex. in the middle of a cup formation)

    4. THE TOSS

    This is the most important aspect of the actual serve.

    Bring the ball in both hands in front of your body.

    Toss with both hands and do not toss between your legs!


    Stand so that your feet are about shoulder width apart, with your foot the same side as your hitting arm slightly ahead of the opposite foot. Check: Are your feet/body facing your victim? Are your feet far enough from the service line?

    6.THE TOSS CONTINUEDThrow the ball about 4 feet to double your height. Toss straight up- too far ahead/behind will throw off your serve.


    Lead with your elbow.

    Make solid contact on the top of the ball.

    Don’t poke the ball-put some muscle into it!

    NEVER, EVER fist the ball. Cast your palm as open as possible for the most surface area.

    While contacting the ball, step with the foot opposite your hitting arm.


    This will give you the most balance and propel your body.

    Pull your non-hitting arm down, and let your hips twist when you hit the ball.


    After hitting the ball, snap your wrist.

    This will give you the top spin you want to make your serve difficult to receive. Drag your foot -the same side as your hitting arm-because you cannot take 2 steps.

  3. ok, these instuctions are if you are RIGHT handed:

    1. Start with your right leg forward, and the ball in you left hand. Your left arm should be extended out in front of you all the way (holding the ball...still).  

    2. Toss the ball into the air, not to high, just above your head, maybe a foot.  At the SAME TIME as you toss the ball into the air, rake a step forward with your left foot.  AT THE SAME TIME as this, bring your right arm back, your hand fully opened, prepared to hit the ball.

    3. Next, DRAG YOU RIGHT TOE forward, INSTEAD of stepping (this will actually give you more control over the direction the ball will go). AT THE SAME TIME  as this, your right hand should be making contact with the ball. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT hit the ball with your palm, or fist. Make contact with it between your palm and wrist.

    4. Keep practicing, and good luck!

  4. Depending on if you are right or left handed. If you are right then stand with your left foot slightly forward of you right. hold the ball straight out in front of you in your left hand. Raise right hand straight up and point fingers towards the ceiling, and thumb towards your ear. Your elbow should be right at your ear. Toss the ball just above where your hand is, and quickly strike the ball with the palm of your hand. As you do this, take a small step with your left foot (this is where the power comes from)  Be sure to keep your wrist and hand rigid. Follow through with your hand, but NOT all the way to your body. (if you do this it will go straight into the net every time) If you are left handed, then do everything opposite! It takes alot of practice, but you can do it! I've played volleyball for 9 years.

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