
How do u show your parents that you'd love to have a baby brother or sister?

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How do u show your parents that you are ready and would love to have a baby brother or sister?




  1. I believe it would be impossible to really show them that you would be happy with a little sibling until they see how you act around little kids. Why do you want to know any way, are they not wanting to have another kid because they don't think you'll be ok with it or something.

  2. just tell them: "mom, dad, i would love having another sibling." my siblings have told my mom that several times. . . only since there are seven of us already she says no.

    another option is adoption.

    i know  a family with only one kid and she wants her parents to adopt a little girl.

    also another family who has adopted two boys and MAYBE will adopt a third. so. . .just ask.

  3. why the h**l would u want a brother or sister silly girl? you're lucky to have no sblings

  4. well this could help a bunch start a baby sitter club and show them how good and how much u love kids then theyll be so surprised that maybe they will decide to cause they will always know that theyll have the extra help u know maybe its cause there hard working but they will then know that they can trust u to watch a little kid hope this helps

  5. Talk to your parents.  Find out if they want to have another child.

  6. You can show and be ready all you want , it the parents who have to be ready because its going to be they responsablilty and expense.  

  7.   I think you should talk to them and see how they feel if they aren't ready, then wait. Sometimes parents don't know how thier kids feel about more children.

  8. Um, that isn't your decision to make sweetie.  

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