
How do u sneak a digital camera through a metal detector @ a concert???

by  |  earlier

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i want to take a digital camera to the jonas brothers burning up concert in hershey pa at the hershey park stadium and i need to kno if they are gonna send me through a metal thing or not cuz i really want to take pics. plez help best answser will be chosen!!




  1. you don't

  2. I think you should call the stadium and ask if they allow cameras.  If you should be able to sneak one in, and they don't allow them, they can take it away from you if they should see you using it.  And you could be kicked out, too.

    You would have to have seats down close to the stage to take pictures anyway, and unless you have a good zoom, you won't get pictures that will be satisfactory.  

    So save yourself some grief, and call to find out!   Have a good time!

  3. Well, do u know if u can have a camera or not? if u can then u have no problem, and if u cant then I guess rap it in Rubber or something, I have no idea what rubber thing u can rap it in though, so good luck, i wish u the best

  4. Wrap the item in aluminum tin foil.  That should get you by the metal detector.  I use to manage a reatil store and we had a merchandise scanner at the door.  I found out from Law Enforcement that the way to beat it was with aluminum foil.

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