
How do u start do some thing about global warming sitting at home ??

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How do u start do some thing about global warming sitting at home ??




  1. Lifestyle changes can curb climate change

    The Stop Global Warming calculator shows you how much carbon dioxide you can prevent from being released into the atmosphere and how much money you can save by making some small changes in your daily life. It’s our hope that the calculator will promote action, awareness and empowerment by showing you that one person can make a difference and help stop global warming.

  2. Your question and intentions are very good. to reduce the global warming.

    But only thing we can do is to spread the message that global exploitation of Natural resources to build empires and wealth of few trillionaires should be stopped.. a global govt must be formed to ensure this issue..

    this idea can be expanded and refined and sent  to various agencies who are Practically working on reducing the global warming...

  3. Cease breathing... do not, repeat do not use anything, buy anything, or burn anything. Plants are like CO2 addicts and just like the war on drugs if we eliminate the "customer" then the "supplier" won't have a market. :-)

    See no more AGW.

    ps. the IPCC report is filled with more qualifiers than a car advertisement.

  4. - switch of any lights or electricity you are not using so then power stations will not need as much power to generate as much electricity

    - recycle products

    - use energy saving light bulbs

  5. Here! Things to do inside and out!

  6. Why do you want to stop global warming? Do you live somewhere that's extremely cold in the winter? If you did, you sure wouldn't want to stop global warming.

    (One of our sleep techs cars started, than died due to the cold temperatures, and the car is only a year old, so that should never have happened.)

    Bottom line - you all need to grow up and live in the real world. And if you live someplace warm, you need to experience what cold is.

  7. Besides reducing your use of electricity  and using less oil and gasoline, you can contact your state and federal representatives, expressing your concern and urging them to take responsible action.  The same is true for contacting businesses who act irresponsibly.  You can research best practices and publish your findings in a local newsletter or paper.

    Some things I am doing, for example, include: switching to fluorescent bulbs, opting not to buy a larger vehicle when our family grew,  recycling everything I am permitted, buying local and organic when possible, choosing products that use less packaging and are made as close as possible to my home,  reducing consumption, bringing my own bags to the store (when I remember), composting, participating in our local "freecycle", and publishing articles on simple and practical ways we can each make a difference.  I also do the other things I suggested up top. Best wishes to you.

    And, to those who are skeptics, why are you willing to play Russian roulette with the lives of everyone else.  At least educate yourself before you make statements like, "at least it won't be cold!"  Actually, the warming could cause a closing of the gulf stream system, which ironically could cause even more cold in areas like Great Britain.   Sure, 90% of educated climate scientists could be wrong, but, gee, wait and see is not an experiment I am willing to do!

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