
How do u start having more open s*x with ur husband?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike husband and i have never had problems in bed but i noticed that when we drink he does tend to get more kinky and i know he likes it but my question is how should i approach him to let him know it's ok to let that side out when we AREN'T drunk?




  1. Gosh! I wish my wife would drink, but she won't! This has work for us both!  We both sleep together very tightly on a very small mattress bed together in the same bedroom!  Just bolt lock down the bedroom door and throw away the key and make love like there is no tomorrow! Whisper hot s*x fantasy in each other's ear.

  2. You might open the door to discussing things when he's not been drinking by telling him how much you enjoyed your evening together.  Then tell him that that you would not only love to do more of the same, but that you're open to other things, too.  That should be a great start to get things going.

  3. Act a fool like him and lead him in slowly without him even knowing it.  He'll know that he don't have to wait to be drunk to act a fool or like a wild animal that is..LOL!

  4. Initiate it yourself and he will follow suit believe me he will. I wish my spouse was like you. what a dud and she wont even try.

  5. Tell him or show him what you want to do tonight.  

  6. Go to your local freaky store where they sell things like "toys" and take them home and bring them out one night while you are playing around and watch him have fun with that. They all do!

  7. He's ur husband, you should be able to just talk to him about it.

  8. oooooohhhhhhhhhhh.. so much fun.......... you might have to innitiate it and get things going... make plans... maybe hes just shy about doing it and the drinking opens him up a bit... talk to him.... he might be very open if he realizes that you are up for it. have fun !!!

  9. well you start showing him you are lol kinky to. maybe wearing nothing but a long shirt when he comes in from work but not to long just where it just barley covers your butt, just simple things to let him know you want s*x, be open with your husband. and he will start opening up to you,  

  10. address the shipment of s*x toys to him; track the delivery and be late getting home that night so he has had time to open the box before you get home......

  11. get a dialog going in text messages or emails if you read it , it seems to sink in better .then it is fun when you get together and act it out .

  12. Just tell him

  13. you take the initiative, it appears you don't need alcohol, so you start it, i'm sure he will follow. Good luck

  14. You should be able to have that conversation with him - he is your husband.

    If you would rather - and may be more fun - you initiate something different. You will be surprised at how he will respond to you.   Have fun........

  15. Just do it, you don't even have to talk about it!

  16. wow.... that's s**y.  

  17. start being more open yourself......if he sees you being more extroverted then he might open up more himself when he's sober

  18. WOW !! You start first . Im sure he will follow along

  19. encouragement.

  20. Encourage it when you're not drinking. Say get kinky right now. Something like that, enable him. Most people are ashamed of such kinky stuff, but most have a kink or two. At least with each partner they have married or single.

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