
How do u start your day ?!?! From when u wake up till u go to bed?

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How do u start your day ?!?! From when u wake up till u go to bed?




  1. Ok, here's my average day, how sad is this??

    Wake up a 6.10 when my alarm goes off, usually press snooze about 3 times. Get up, shower, eat breakfast, make lunch, blow-dry hair (which usually still looks like a shrub!), then...

    7.30 off to work, teach kids, playground duty, work through lunch, kids go home at 3.15. Planning meetings etc until 5.00, mark books at school until thrown out by the care-taker at 6.15. Bring rest of marking home, stop for 20 minutes for dinner, carry on marking and working until around 10, go to bed knackered. It's a hard job, but someone has to do it!

  2. With loads of strong coffee!!

  3. Yeah - is there any other way?

  4. I get up, usually after pressing the snooze button on my alarm a few too many times lol! Then make a cup of tea and some breakfast...get dressed n and make up...pack my bag....grab my folders n go to uni, usually go shopping for an hour then come to friends on msn....make some uni work.....either go to bed or go out to bars or meet my boyfriend.

  5. wake up when alarm goes off, about half 7. Have a ciggy before I go and face the music with the demands from kids. Run a bath whilst making a cup of tea. Hair and make up, get dressed make breakfast for kids.

    Off to work til tea time. Then do whatever needs doing until I fall asleep and start again!

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