
How do u take a proper turn?

by  |  earlier

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i got my permit 3 weeks back...i can drive now...but i freak out taking turns...coz i dont know how to take a proper turn...wht do u do?...slow down and press on the brake or brake and then accelerate? or accelerate and then brake?...its soo do u actually take a perfect smooth turn?...also is it scary driving alone?...i havent driven alone yet.




  1. Signal, gradually slow down, then brake and accelerate as soon as you complete the turn. Just be very careful if you drive alone. Practice defensive driving! Give yourself plenty of time, don't rush to get to your destination.

  2. I'm not sure what's so hard about it.

    Slow down before you turn, turn smoothly and accelerate after you're done turning. Most of it is just common sense.

    And driving alone is scary at first, but after time it's no problem.

  3. Turn on your turn signal to let others know that you are planning a turn. Apply your brakes to slow you to a speed you are comfortable with. Make your turn, and then apply the gas. Make sure that you are aware of all traffic around you while making your turn. If you are in a turn lane with a berm along the side, check in your mirror before making your turn in case somebody in a hurry is sneaking up the side in the berm. Be safe and always be cautious.

  4. very carefully

  5. When turning onto a street or going straight across an intersection, it’s important to make sure that you allow enough room to complete what was started, accelerate to the proper speed, and watch out for pedestrians and stopped vehicles.

    Merging and changing lanes requires that your think about keeping a good amount of space all around their vehicle.

    And you must remember to yield to ongoing traffic.

  6. thats a good question..i slow down and then accelerate once i feel like i can handle to rest of the turn.

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