
How do u take things lightly....when ur messed up in a relation?

by  |  earlier

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is it easy to take things easy when u know u can't be with the girl you love? be it any reason.....and she always manage to smash ur world into pieces even in a 5 min. talk? can u be okay? if




  1. You just need to be strong, and pull through it.

    Listen to some music, and just let it all out.. Then after a while it will be easier to deal with it.  

  2. Easy to say hard to do. For both the relationship and for your peace, ignore her. Understand that she is a very small part of your life. She seems such a major part now but if you project the vision of your future, way down 20 to 50 years, you will begin to see that she will likely not even be in the picture. Don't let her influence you so negatively now.

    Also ignoring her may shift power in your direction. She may come around just in time for you to realize how unimportant she is realistically.

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