
How do u teach a gerbil how to drink???!!?!??!!?

by  |  earlier

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my two new gerbils seem to not know how to drink from their water bottle thing...





  1. They could be just nervous from switching habitats there probably getting a little drink when your not looking. Just keep an eye and make they do you should try and put some in a bowl and see if they figure that out. Also make sure the water bottle is leaking when at all it could be a broken one.

  2. its ok my rat was like that but she got i ust to it

  3. Ok this is what you do: get a pencil, and tap it near the water bottle. Then they will hear it and follow it. Then tap in in the water bottle and then they will drink it. They will get used to it.

  4. they are probably just nerrvous they will drink just make sure they do

  5. when i got mine it didnt drink for the first two days. but then it saw the drinking thing and then it nibbled on it, some water dripped out. so he knew that water comes from that. also, if they dont figure it out on theirselves, then you can take the water bottle with water, and then put it in front of them, make sure they see it, and maybe the will drink water.

  6. Did you just get them?  If so they'll figure it out.  Did they have bottles at the pet store.  If so, they should be fine.  Just make sure they can reach it and the water is changed frequently.  Maybe put some of those vitamin C drops in to make it taste better.

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