
How do u tell if ur chickens are hens or roosters?

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we was given 6 baby chickens... and now thay are getting older and 1 has like a red bumpy thing growing out his head like a rooster has i dont know what ya call it and i cant seem to have any luck finding web sites to find out




  1. the hens and roosters both grow the little mohawks, but the roosters' will be a lot more floppy than the hen's will.  

    Look at this picture:

    See how the chicken on the far end has a way bigger mohawk and cottle than the other two do?  He is the rooster, and the other two are hens.

  2. Generally the comb on the top gets bigger in roosters. To what degree and and what age depends on the breed. Tail feathers on some get bigger too.

    Usually by 2 to 3 months old when they are fully feathered you can tell. If you have different breeds some hens may have bigger combs than others but not be a rooster.

    Some breeds have different color patterns on hens than roosters but you would have to know what kind you have first.

    If you want I would be happy to look at a photo to help you ID what you have.

    Trained people can look in the vent to tell you but it is a hard, gross skill to learn.

  3. Google Murrey McMurrey and get a catalog it is full of information and has a picture of almost every chicken in the coutry and a picture of a chick for most of them.  When you identify your breed you will see a picture of a hen and a rooster.  The thing on top I called a comb.  There are several types and that is one way to identify the breed you have.

  4. It will be difficult to tell until they get older.  When they are very young, the males have a protrusion above their vent (their rears).  But after a few days you don't see that anymore.  Both male and females have combs on their heads.  The roosters just get bigger as they grow older.  When they are about 5-6 months old, the roosters will start crowing.  If all the chickens were siblings, as they get older, you may notice changes.  Generally the roosters are bigger than the chickens.  Hope you got mostly hens.  Accidently bought straight run this year and ended up with 4 roos.  They were pestering the 6 chicks to death and were pecking each other so they had to go live with a friend of ours who has over 100 chickens.

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