
How do u tell ur dad u dont like him..?

by  |  earlier

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my parents have been divorced for my whole life(practically)and my dad is really mean to me . he is disrespectful and i dont really like going to his house. how do i tell him i dont want to come over anyymore without hurting his feelings.




  1. Gah this is like my life story. If he has psychotic issues like my (estranged) father, then its going to be more complicated. But if he is normal just sit down with him one day and say something like

    " Dad, I don't like it when you say mean stuff too me. It hurts my feelings and makes me cry. I don't deserve this. If you continue this behavior then we're going to have to take a break from me visiting you."   But also, no one is MAKING you go. You can just refuse to go. Thats how i stopped visiting my father.

  2. Since your are concerned about hurting his feelings, are you sure you don't really like him and want him in your life?  You're not very specific about anything he has done to you.  I hope the two of you will be able to work this out.

  3. first , why do you think that you not seeing him will hurt his feelings?

    depending on how old you are you can't be forced to spend time there.

  4. tell him how he makes you feel.........

    use the words mean and disrespectful.......

    say you are not comfortable going to his house because of this....

    ask him if he's mad at you,

    then ask if you did something to make him mad or hurt him

    or would HE RATHER not have you come over so much?

    sometimes written communication is better, just a brief note.  That way he can't interrupt you, you get in all your points, and you can edit anything that is written harshly.......

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