
How do u tell your best friend you don't want to be friends?

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i have a best friend weve been friends since elementary and i am now going to be a junior. and she is getting on my nerves shes always coping me lks the guys i like. and i just feel claustrophobic around her. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! please any answers.




  1. don't abandon her, she is still your friend, you may be maturing a bit faster than she is, you may need her one day or she may need you,talk to her as a friend, be a mate, every one is different, look for the good in her ,be helpful not harmful .

  2. Tell her you're busy and can't have company every time she comes to visit.  Screen your calls and don't answer if it's her and eventually she'll get the message.

  3. y would u call her ur bff if u wanna dump her. so confused. DOnt dump her just try to work it out with her, if u all are really best friends then u could.

  4. I can only thing of two things I that would do in this situation

    1.I would try to still be friends and just let her know what she is doing is getting on your nerves. If you've been friends that long it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

    2. If you don't want to be friends anymore just tell her the truth just don't be rude about it. But I can tell you it probably won't be easy to say it in a way that won't be hurtful because its not exactly easy to break a friendship(that is if it is a good one)

    I'd seriously try to talk about it first but if not maybe you should try to let her know you don't want to be friends anymore. After all sometimes as people get older they just don't get along with the same people anymore.

    But one thing is don't just make a decision off one person's advice you should get a couple of opinions but ultimately its all up to you. You know the situation better than anyone else and if you think about it awhile you should be able to figure out the best approach.

  5. try to fight with her so she doesnt stand u mean to her

  6. change your number -  

  7. just be like.

    i'm sorry but i don't think we can be friends anymore.

    i'm really sorry and all but....

    we can still hang out sometimes!

  8. Slowly part from her, then she will prob. ask, then you can tell her y and that point u guys will b apart. But rly think it through think of life w.o her. Or just tell her ASAP w.o. parting from her. Or ask 4 some space and c how u like it.

  9. You can let her know by slowly backing away from her. Branch out, start hanging out with people you want to. Slowly she will get the picture and back of. If that doesn't work just tell her you want to hang out with other people. If she starts to act bitchy just walk away.  

  10. hide. ha ha. just don't hang out with her anymore. tell her your busy if she want to hang out. she'll get it. but you should be telling her that not everyone here

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