
How do u think the internent should improve?

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what do u think should happen that hasen't? what should we put that would CHANGE the world?




  1. I Think you are talking about the web here rather than the internet. the Internet is the physical connection, that allows, for VOIP phoning, web access, e-mail and all that good stuff. The web is the world wide web transmitted over the HTTP protocol, you can think of it as a train, the train gets the people from place to place, and is the physical connection whilst the people like the web are the content. If that makes any sense.

    If you mean what do we need to do to make the internet better then Switch to IPv6 PDQ, or it will be difficult to actually get on the net in the first place, make Fiber optic technology more dominant over ADSL and give people a better choice of providers, oh and ban phorm too.

    IF we are talking about the web, its pretty good, better coding tools could see a lot of new very nice features, but we need faster internet connections too, say around 100mbits/sec would be very nice

  2. i wish i was smart enough to give such an informative answer as the guy before.... o well. i guess i'lll just take up space than.

  3. My thoughts are very biased but I think internet is all about communication and exchanging information and thoughts in a free style manner. What we have now is bringing people who have similar ideas and thoughts together with social networking sites. But I think next thing is how internet’s un-inhibited exchange of information and old fashion neighbors getting together will form shape and translate into a much larger set of communities who not only think of exchanging ideas but also exchange and share something material (could be something as simple as a movie DVD) . It would translate to a reduction in using raw materials to manufacture things, save money and the most important thing is know who lives near you and know who likes similar things like you do.

    If eHarmony is all about getting similar people together, this should be something like bringing people with similar ideas, thoughts, using similar things and add face to it rather than just internet talk.

    I am working on a website which addresses something similar to this and at present is in its very basic form its

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