
How do u think the world will end?

by  |  earlier

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to much war pulition any off those




  1. the world will end in fire falling on to the world and all the sinners being burnt

  2. gabriel will blow his horn, and god will choose who gets to go to heaven...

  3. I don't think it will end, its been here to long, besides there are more important things to worry about.

  4. earth will be dissolved into the sun.

  5. The world will end in an huge megawar possibly on the issue of-

    owning land on the moon

    nuclear power

  6. This way of life will end when a rapid poleshift occurs,causing plates to slide over each other.

    There will be survivors,however we will lose the all advances we made,and will have to start all over again as hunters.

    Its happened before many times.Act now and bury as many tech books and other books ,on the side of eastern facing mountain slopes.

  7. tell that to nostradamus

  8. world will end because of natural disasters.

    and human beings will be blamed for this.

  9. that's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an airplane and Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn - world serves it's own needs, dummy serve your own needs. Feed it off an aux speak, grunt, no, strength. Ladder start to clatter with fear fight down height. Wire in a fire, representing seven games, a government for hire and a combat site. Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped. Look at that low playing!

  10. Jesus will return!!!

  11. nuclear war

    wats all this about december 23rd and 24th 2012????

  12. WAR

  13. the cold war is over ,no fear of nuclear its the world industries hunger and thirsty for fossil fuel . which in return causing damage to this planet ie temp increases , floods ,waste lands start to appear and the Ice caps melt down.But man wont stop until its too late.

  14. This is depressing, but it cant end today becasue it's already tomorrow somewhere else!


    be happy!

  15. If it will ever end. I think a zombie virus will infect all of teh humans!

  16. Nature... It makes and it ends things

  17. as the universe colapses into the black hole that we will line up with 1st time in 25000 yrs,,we will be exactly lined up with the center of the universe this will create untold rifts in the univere..we will all probaly be reduced to the singularity and simply go poof...we wont even know we are gone it will happen so fast,,,december 24th i think 2012..ask the mayans,,,peace.enjoy the next four years,,look at the weather..religions..war..and financial market collapses..the youth of today out of control..against authority,,and nostrodamous predicted,,!!!

  18. In approximately 7.5 billion years, the aging sun will have expanded to a point where it will engulf the Earth's orbit.  When this happens, the friction on the planet from the solar atmosphere will cause it to lose orbital spead and spiral into the suns core where it will be consummed.

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