
How do u throw the first punch??

by Guest65327  |  earlier

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ive always been one to tackle the kid after he hits me but this kid says he will hit me then when i tell h im 2 hit me all he says is are you gunna hit me but he said he was gunna hit me any help?




  1. be faster. practice being fast and you will get faster

  2. Look::: this technique is the and jump up on something elevated, leap down off of it and elbow drop him right between his eyes....if this doesnt work follow the same procedure but instead of the elbow use the ole fateful leg drop!!!!!!!!...LOL

  3. just hit him in the nose really hard FIRST he wont be able to see then hes at your mercy

  4. When you two do your lil press conference tough guy talk (the part that usually precedes a fight) Look at him right in the eye while you send a punch to the body, knock his wind out. The whole thing hinges on being close, keeping solid eye contact throughout, and not moving your body too much.

  5. When he is not expecting it.

  6. if your just talking about a street fight here, all you gotta do is knee him in the nuts as hard as you can. he will go down after that one, and if he doesnt use that as your oppurtunity and punch him in the jaw. =)

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