
How do u train a budgie to sit on your finger,talk and come back in its cage after its had a fly around?

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How do u train a budgie to sit on your finger,talk and come back in its cage after its had a fly around?




  1. Sit on Finger:

    Slwoly move your finger towards its chest and thrust your finger lightly. Say "up" meanwhile so it knows what you mean. Do this a few times.


    Hold it close to your lips and say the word repeadly you want it to say. Do this everyday for 10 minutes and it will work.

    Go home after flight:

    It will actually go home itself and you can actually put it home and say "go home". it will associate actions with words and soon will listen to you.

  2. lol well that might take awhile start slow if u just got let him get use 2 cage for about a week or two then get him hooked on millet once he eats that no problem dont give him any for a few days then take 2 small room like bathroom and open the cage c if he comes out once he comes out let him look around then take a perch from his cage and try 2 get him 2 [perch on it say up and hold against his lower chest till he hops on then once he dose make sure u try 2 hand feed him millet if he wont eat from your hand put in cage so he can have later once he is perch trained let him sit on perch and use your finger as another perch dont give him a choice 2 step anywhere else prob will fly off you first few times but after awile he will get use 2 it and will love 2 go on your finger and make sure u always praise the bird when he dose what u want if u want more info or details email

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