
How do u train a parakeet(budgie) from not biting?

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How do u train a parakeet(budgie) from not biting?




  1. we wore gloves the first week, then everytime it bit us, we would touch its head, of it didnt it got food

    my one bird zazu bites, but very lightly, like a dog would when its teething to show its affection, its his kisses :D

  2. its ok for them to bite if they are just new to the place or just babies because they dont know you so they will bite you

    but if you keep playing with them they wont bite as much and they might even stop after a while and some times they just like doing it  for fun.

  3. If budgies are not hand fed it takes more time and patience to train them.  I don't know if you already can get him on your finger or not. If not just go slowly every day putting your hand in his cage a little bit every day until slowly you can push on his chest. If he is already on your finger, then when he goes to bite try to distract him, or just lower your finger a bit, to change his thought process.  Love, patience time and being very gentle and calm. Birds can sense people emotions.

  4. You left out some critical detail -- such as the budgie's age, whether it was hand-fed or not, and whether it came from a reputable source or not. But certain rules are critical to taming any bird, and these are:

    - A healthy diet including ample fresh water, fruit and veggie intake as well as proper vitamin supplement

    - Daily interaction and play time on a regular basis. At least an hour daily is recommended for an untamed bird. This interaction often requires willingness to take a few bites without using a glove

    - Continuing research, as no research is "enough", only experience is

    - Lots and lots and lots of patience, it can take up to years to tame an untamed bird, but in the end it's worth more than the effort put in.

    Hope that helps... :)

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