
How do u travil to school?

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i walk with my brother




  1. i take the stupid city bus that is too full to pick us up so i watch 2 go by then i finally get onto the 3rd where i am squished into the doors  and i can't hold onto anything because the bus is so full but its better than being outside standing in the -20 C weather

  2. I go by the public bus

  3. walk

    been doing it since I was four lol with the occasional lift

  4. i like to fly there using my boeing 757, althought sometimes i take the airbus A380.

    basicly i walk

  5. i get a bus called ` h i l l s   h o l i d a y s ` its a coach ...

    Lol x

  6. I walk or my brother drives me and him to the bus stop because he doesn't want to waste the gas to drive us to the school.

  7. I am in university, and I travel either by car, taxi or bus. I live too far from the university to walk, well I could walk but I am too

  8. I have three children still at school

    The first walks and thats about 20 minutes each way.  She sometimes uses her bike.

    the second is transported in a cab as he is in a special school

    The third uses a bus.  Travels around 2 hrs for a trip you can do in around 20 minutes by car.

    You look after your brother...

  9. I travel to school by CityTrain

  10. I walk to uni :)

  11. I TRAVEL to work by car...

  12. by car

  13. I cycle or walk if the weather is nice or if its raining or I am in a lazy mood then I get driven.

  14. first bus


    go on this

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