
How do u want to be BURRIED when u die?

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How do u want to be BURRIED when u die?




  1. I'm willing my body to science, or more specifically the University of Texas Health Science Center.

  2. I want to be cremated. My family is aware of that.

  3. Burried or not, the important is that the spirit not the body.

    But we don't need anymore maintenance for grave, that's why.

  4. Lying at my back because dying to me is to rest forever..

  5. I care not it. For it's responsibility lies on others, not on me!

  6. Any way you like. It is up to you.

  7. um. you'd be dead, does it really matter?  i mean you wouldn't be alive to complain

  8. they need to make sure I'm dead first but i want to be Burt and to get scatted with my dad

  9. Cremation is the only way to go

  10. i want to be entombed 13 times. i want my dead body to be in a stained glass coffin like mother theresa or somethin, and that coffin will be inside a gold sarcofagus (sp.?), then a marble box, next wood, then plastic, wicker, bamboo, diamonds, glitter and a bunch of other cool stuff. and then... i want my entire tomb to be launched into outer-space like a firecracker where it will be sucked into a blackhole where everthing will be crushed into nothing :)

  11. The very best burial is a Natural Burial. This means that you are buried in a woodland site that does not allow headstones or oher man made memorials. You can plant trees on the grave.

    You are not allowed to be embalmed in any way with chemicals.

    The best coffin is  cardboard one.

    The whole thing is easy to arrange without gettig ripped off by funeral directors. It is very cheap and easy to do for someone.

    This is what I have requested in my Advanced Burial Wishes

  12. All spelling aside, I would rather be taxidermied, to preserve my tattoos. My dad's in a vault. Much like Poe, he had a fear of being buried.

  13. I'd like to be buried with a 24 pack of kokanee and my favorite riffle the lee enfield SMLE

  14. six feet underground

  15. I don't know how but I want myself to be burried in a peaceful grave yard in London.

  16. I heard a good joke one day off of a TV show. They said they wanted to be buried face down so that anyone who hated them could kiss their @ss.

  17. I want to die a hero in a furious battle and be put onto a funeral pyre.  Once the pyre has burnt out I want my ashes to be buried in an urn in a mausoleum dedicated to me in a holy sanctuary.

  18. I dont want to be buried. BURN ME!!

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